ExperiencePlus! Blog


  • Finding the proper knee position.

    Perhaps What You Need Is a Bike Fitting

    Whether you are a recreational cyclist or a budding adventure racer, we think bike fit is important.  A brief Q&A with Dr Siggins highlights the importance of a good fit and the particular system he uses to ensure that body… Read full article

  • How I Bicycled Across Italy In 12 Days

    By ExperiencePlus! traveler JR Meda June 11: My wife, Cheri and I had waited a year to finally fly from Denver to Frankfurt, Germany on the 1st segment of our dream vacation to bicycle across Italy in celebration of our… Read full article

  • Congratulations, Shutterbugs!

    Our photo contest may be over, but the memories from all your shared photos remain! Thanks to all who participated and submitted wonderful photos. It was difficult to narrow down, but our judge Jeff Bartlett has made his choices. Here… Read full article

  • Cycling the Languedoc – Féria de Pentecôte

    ExperiencePlus! has two brand new cycling options in the Languedoc region of southern France. Our inaugural tours May 27 – June 3, 2012 and the Plus! version which ends on the 6th are both confirmed departures and will begin with… Read full article

  • Adventures in Tuscany

    June Wheeler and her partner Peter Herzog hail from the flatlands of Minnesota and completed their 7th ExperiencePlus! tour, Bicycling the Best of Southern Tuscany Plus! Florence in September 2011.  June kept a blog throughout the trip and whether or… Read full article

  • Vlaamse Stoverij or Belgian Beef Stew

    Tour leaders Michele Boglioni and Enrico Dal Monte were recently doing some reconnaissance for our Bicycling Belgium’s Best Brewery tours and stopped in for some authentic Belgian Beef Stew. They report that it is especially delicious when washed down with… Read full article

  • Simplicity In Italy

    Photographer Rebecca Brown is not a cyclist, but was excited to accompany her dad on our 2011 Cycling Coastal Tuscany and made the most of her opportunity to capture the area on film. She beautifully framed this region from the… Read full article

  • Terms & Conditions

    Terms and Conditions: for your information and records Read full article

  • Cotechino Sausage with Lentils

    Cotechino Sausage with Lentils Though our recipe is a little late for your New Year’s celebration, we thought we’d go ahead and share this traditional New Year’s dish that combines two of Italy’s culinary symbols for good luck, the lentil… Read full article

  • Cycling Northern Argentina – Get Off the Beaten Path

    Would you like to ride through multi-colored canyons, rich tropical and cloud forests, green valleys dotted with vineyards and estancias, across surreal salt flats, through mountain valleys? Northern Argentina has all of this and more. Do you enjoy a challenge?… Read full article

  • Accommodations We Love – Part 4

    Cycling the Languedoc Our hotel in Nimes on day one of the Cycling the Languedoc tour is one with a rich history and is newly renovated and refurbished in modern taste.  The hotel’s name, “Le Cheval Blanc” has been around… Read full article

  • Shopping for a tree in Copenhagen

    ExperiencePlus! Staff Gift Ideas

    It’s time once again for the ExperiencePlus! Not Really Annual Christmas Gift Recommendations. About every other year ExperiencePlus! staff put together a list of what they consider to be the best gift ideas and though we don’t require that they… Read full article

  • photo credit: http://theway-themovie.com/media.php

    Movie Review: The Way

    Movie Review: The Way     Directed by Emilio Estevez Tom, a doctor from California, was living a comfortable life on his own until he received a phone call that would change his mindset entirely. He never expected that his… Read full article

  • Panpepato or Pepper Bread

    Though the origins of Panpepato aren’t certain one theory is that Sister Berta adapted a Panforte recipe when Siena was under siege and instead of using fresh fruit, she used more readily available dried fruits. Panpepato is rumored to have… Read full article

  • Accommodations We Love – Part 2

    Cycling Piemonte Plus! Lago Maggiore: The 18th century Tenimento Castle in Piedmont sits amidst expansive grounds and the lovely green space invites you to relax and enjoy the spacious central courtyard. At the end of your bike ride, pedal down… Read full article

  • Movie Review: Evita

    Andrew Lloyd-Webber’s hit musical isn’t just on Broadway.  This is no news flash, as Evita the film came out in 1996, but we’d like to remind you that if you’re planning a trip to Argentina, this may just have to… Read full article

  • Training for an ExpeditionPlus! Tour

    By ExpeditionPlus! veteran, Mary Gantz Mary Gantz doesn’t let living in pancake-flat Florida inhibit her cycling success. She road Coast to Coast across Chile and Argentina in 2006; from St Petersburg to Istanbul in 2007; pedaled across the High Andes… Read full article

  • Daube Provençale or Beef Stew with Wine

    Daube Provençale or Beef Stew with Wine This month’s recipe comes to us from Josette Smyrl who coordinated hotels and meals for ExperiencePlus! trips in France for a number of years. Now retired and living near Aix-en-Provence with her gardening… Read full article