ExperiencePlus! Blog

June Wheeler and her partner Peter Herzog hail from the flatlands of Minnesota and completed their 7th ExperiencePlus! tour, Bicycling the Best of Southern Tuscany Plus! Florence in September 2011.  June kept a blog throughout the trip and whether or not you are contemplating this trip we think you’ll enjoy this entertaining recount of their journey.  June has a lively way with words and she and Peter share some great photos – did we mention that Peter is an excellent artist? Here’s a little sample to get you started:

“The final day’s 50K ride was tougher than we expected – we think the psychological burden of the last day combined with heat and hills made us work much harder than anticipated. But, it was awe-inspiring to see Florence in the distance and, powered by gelato, we arrived at the Piazza Michelangelo for out final guided bike route to our hotel on the Arno”.

Check out their entertaining and informative blog – you’ll also discover how the Minnesota State Fair has influenced gelato.

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