ExperiencePlus! Blog


  • Bicycle Tours In Australia

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  • Day in the life: Dinah from Argentina

    Updates From People Around The World We have been checking in with our travelers as well as our staff and tour leaders.  We checked in with one of our newest tour leaders – Dinah from Argentina.  She joined our dream… Read full article

  • Recipe: Pumpkin Muffins

    ‘Tis the season for all things pumpkin. One of my favorite applications for pumpkin is muffins.  There is something about that flavor, the spices and the sweetness that makes them so good.  This recipe was borrowed from Pretty Simple Sweet… Read full article

  • Day in the life: Carolyn and Dennis in Canada

    Updates From People Around The World We have been checking in with our travelers as well as our staff and tour leaders.  Dennis and Carolyn Dawson live just north of our Colorado HQ in the beautiful Canadian Rockies.  Here is… Read full article

  • Day in the life: Anibal from Argentina

    Updates From People Around The World We have been checking in with our travelers as well as our staff and tour leaders.  We checked in with our tour operator in Argentina to see how he has been holding up in… Read full article

  • Day in the life: Jata and Karin in Chile

    Updates From People Around The World We have been checking in with our travelers as well as our staff and tour leaders.  Here’s a little trip around the world to check in with Juan Pablo, our Chilean Tour Leader, and… Read full article

  • Travel Books To Dream With

    With the seasons changing, and this year keeping most of us home bound, it seems like the best antidote to the travel bug might be to hunker down with a book and get lost in the stories of others’ travels. … Read full article

  • Recipe: Zucchini Crusted Pizza

    If you have too many zucchini growing in your garden (or your neighbor is desperately trying to give you more), try out this zucchini pizza crust with your favorite pizza toppings. Ingredients: Parchment paper 2 cups, packed and drained (or… Read full article

  • Day in the life: Australia

    Updates From People Around The World With many countries beginning to loosen quarantine restrictions and opening in phases we have been checking in with our travelers as well as our staff and tour leaders.  Lindy Lester from Australia sent us… Read full article

  • Day in the life: USA and Scotland

    Updates From People Around The World With many countries beginning to loosen quarantine restrictions and opening in phases we have been checking in with our travelers as well as our staff and tour leaders.  Here’s a little trip around the… Read full article

  • Light and Filling Salade Nicoise

    Light and Filling Salade Nicoise Of the many interesting salads offered in France, from those with cheese to meat to more complex combinations, this is one of my favorites. It is a light dish that I find very satisfying. The… Read full article

  • The 1972 BIke Across Italy crew and their support vehicle.

    How Bike Across Italy Began in 1972

    ExperiencePlus Co-founder, Rick Price (pictured in the front with iconic beard, and wife and co-founder Paola Malpezzi behind him), shares the the story of how it all started with Bike Across Italy. To celebrate Paola’s graduation from the University of… Read full article

  • Traveling Through The “New Normal”

    My First International Road Trip by Philipp Schmitt We are in Granada and temperatures are rising to 100º F every day. Summer is here! My family and I would like to escape the heat and go to Germany, as we… Read full article

  • Day in the life: Canada and Iceland

    Updates From People Around The World With many countries beginning to loosen quarantine restrictions and opening in phases we have been checking in with our staff and tour leaders to see how they are spending their days. We also wanted… Read full article

  • summer cycling

    Summer Cycling: Pro Tips For Keeping Cool

    Summer is here which will inevitably lead to some hot days for cycling. We’ve got a few tips to keep you cool(ish) while riding, but before we jump into our tips for keeping cool, let’s revisit some of our old… Read full article

  • Cycle the USA with ExperiencePlus!

    As we approach the one year anniversary of the global pandemic that brought international travel to a halt we decided we could all use some bicycle touring options closer to home. Introducing ExperiencePlus! tours in the USA – in partnership… Read full article

  • Squash Blossom Quesadillas

    Squash Blossom Quesadillas

    Along with the bounty of zucchini and yellow squash, the blossoms of these plants are delicate, colorful and oh so delicious. If you do not have a garden, make friends with a gardener or head to your local farmer’s market. … Read full article

  • get your bike into shape

    Why Get Your Bike Fit

    Too many people find cycling uncomfortable. The saddle is uncomfortable, the rider’s hands, their lower back…the list goes on. While these are common complaints there is a simple solution: get a bike fit! Everyone deserves to be comfortable and feel… Read full article