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Cash in Sweden?
What to expect in your European 3 or 4 star hotel
Air conditioning on tour
Although we strive to make sure all our hotels are comfortable (including having air conditioning available), air conditioning standards throughout Europe are often not the same as you will find in North America or other countries with more modern buildings.… Read full article
Food in Slovakia
Food in Poland
Language in Slovakia
Language in Poland
Phone calls in the Czech Republic
Food in the Czech Republic
Language in the Czech Republic
Phones on Tour
A Day in Spain
Spain is famous for the Siesta and late dinners, but what about the other parts of a typical Spanish day? Morning Spaniards arise around 8 a.m. (earlier in rural locations). Breakfast is usually a quick coffee before work. Most… Read full article
Language in Greece
Meals in Greece
Laundry while on tour
What’s in a Room?
Cash in Denmark?
Food in the Netherlands