ExperiencePlus! Blog

ExperiencePlus! Staff

  • Monica Price bicycling to her wedding

    Reflections on Monica and Michele’s Big Fat Italian Wedding

    True to form, Monica and Michele’s wedding had what one would expect from a multinational, multicultural Malpezzi-Price family event. Bicycles (of all sort), people (from all corners of the world), medieval folk dancing, lots of food and even more laughter. Read full article

  • Why I Bike Episode 3

    Igor Baccini – ExperiencePlus! Bike Fleet Manager, and Tour Leader: Such a simple question, so many answers. It’s banal to say “I bike because I like it” but it’s the first thing that comes up when I think about it… Read full article

  • Patagonia – A Tour Leader’s …

    As an Argentine-American who has spent life moving around the world since childhood, I am fortunate to say that I live in a truly marvelous part of the world. Bariloche, in the Patagonian Lakes District, still takes my breath away… Read full article