ExperiencePlus! Blog


  • Tour Leader Martina Safarikova

    Martina Safarikova

    Martina was born in Czech Republic in Prague, where she graduated in sport management studies. A professional sports instructor, Martina dedicates her time to skiing, snowboarding, climbing and biking, which allows her to connect her hobby with simultaneously working and… Read full article

  • Tour Leader Justin Wuycheck

    Justin Wuycheck

    Justin got into leading cycling tours in 2007 because he wanted to be paid to ride his bike. From 2004 until 2013, Justin immersed himself in French culture, cuisine and cols (mountain passes), before trading that in for the ’rounder’… Read full article

  • Tour Leader Anja Neral

    Anja Neral

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  • Tour Leader Enrico Dal Monte

    Enrico Dal Monte

    Italian native Enrico dal Monte grew up in Vicenza and Venice. After graduating in Oriental Studies and International Politics at the University of Venice, he worked as translator and teacher in Australia, Italy, and Israel. He speaks six languages. Apart… Read full article

  • Tour Leader and Tour Manager Joan Escosura Manzano

    Joan Escosura Manzano

    Joan was born in sunny Barcelona. Life in the big city fed his passion for escaping into nature with his mountain bike. He currently lives in Spain’s Pyrenees. He got his undergraduate degree in tourism at the University of Barcelona,… Read full article