ExperiencePlus! Blog

Bicycling Germany

  • Bike Tours in Bavaria

    Cycling Bavaria’s Romantic Road

    “As Pretty As It Gets” ~ Cycling Bavaria’s Romantic Road Ride Across The Land of Storybook Villages To the Base of the Austrian Alps “This is as pretty as a tour can get” says Joan Escosura, Tour Manager of Germany, Spain,… Read full article

  • What’s So Special About Cycling in Bavaria?

    When you think Germany, what images come to mind? Lederhosen, pretzels, beer, sausages? If that sounds about right, you are actually thinking of Bavaria, a very special part of Germany. But, what is it exactly that makes cycling and exploring… Read full article

  • Neuschwanstein Castle

    The Ludwig Conspiracy By Oliver Pötzsch

    Reviewed by ExperiencePlus! traveler Jeff Berger. Oliver Pötzsch has taken time off from his Hangman’s Daughter series in order to address the real life mystery, albeit in fictional terms, of the death of “mad” King Ludwig II of Bavaria, the… Read full article

  • The Hangman’s Daughter and The Dark Monk

    Reviewed by ExperiencePlus! traveler Jeff Berger The Hangman’s Daughter and the sequel The Dark Monk, originally published in German to wide acclaim, were written by Oliver Pötzsch, the descendent of a long line of hangmen, including Jakob Kuisl, the protagonist… Read full article

  • Accommodations We Love – Part 5

    Cycling the Best of Southern Tuscany Piccolo Hotel La Valle is situated just outside the walls of the hilltop town of Pienza, a UNESCO Heritage Site which is also famous for its fabulous sheep cheese. You’ll reach it on day… Read full article

  • Accommodations We Love – Part 4

    Cycling the Languedoc Our hotel in Nimes on day one of the Cycling the Languedoc tour is one with a rich history and is newly renovated and refurbished in modern taste.  The hotel’s name, “Le Cheval Blanc” has been around… Read full article

  • “50 Tours of a Lifetime” – The Danube

    National Geographic Traveler has honored ExperiencePlus! Bicycle Tours once again by naming our Bicycling the Danube from Germany to Vienna Plus! Hungary tour as one of “50 Tours of a Lifetime” for 2011! Last year, our Camino de Santiago: Roncesvalles… Read full article

  • History and Geography of the Danube River

    By Rick Price, Ph.D. You probably learned in 7th grade geography that the three most important rivers of Europe are the Rhine, the Rhone, and the Danube – but that is likely the extent of your knowledge.  Unfortunately for most… Read full article

  • Cycling the Danube – Europe’s Longest River

    Cycling the Danube This month we are featuring our inaugural ExpeditionPlus! tours along the famous Danube River.  Bicycle the entire length of the Danube, from Germany’s Black Forest to the delta in Romania on the Black Sea coast. We cycle through… Read full article