ExperiencePlus! Blog

Get to Know Your Tour Leaders: Enrico Dal Monte

ExperiencePlus! tour leader Enrico Dal Monte stops to join a card game in Sicily.

Enrico was born in Italy and has been leading tours for ExperiencePlus! in Belgium, Spain, France, and Italy since 2010, and has very quickly become one of our most popular leaders. He is passionate about languages, travel, learning, music, and his enthusiasm is contagious. We thought we’d take a few minutes to introduce him.

You speak 6 languages – were your parent’s bilingual? Not really – my language skills developed in school. I ExperiencePlus! tour leader Enrico Dal Monte checking in before a ride in Sardinia.started learning French in junior high, and moved to English and German in high school. When I went to study art in Barcelona I learned Spanish, and then Hebrew at University in Tel Aviv.

How do you maintain your language skills? I do my best to read as much as possible in each language. I also do some translation work.

What’s one item you wouldn’t leave home without? I never go on tour, or travel, without my iPod. I absolutely love music.

If you had a “personal mission statement” what would it be? ‘Reinvent yourself anywhere’ which to me indicates an ability to be flexible and spontaneous.

ExperiencePlus! tour leaders Enrico Dal Monte and Lisa MerighiWhat do you enjoy doing when you aren’t leading tours? Snowboarding, hiking, and reading. My author of choice is Agota Kristoff and her trilogy The Notebook, The Proof, and The Third Lie. I also love to cook especially during the winter, have a stroll on a bike, maybe a cappuccino in a café on a sunny day reading the newspaper, simple things.

What’s your favorite fuel before a big ride? In my opinion it’s hard to beat the combination of eggs and avocado.

Do you have a favorite cuisine? Thai, Japanese, Middle Eastern, and Italian.

When you were young what did you hope to be when you grew up?  I guess a diplomat, but I changed my mind many times. I also wanted to be a cartographer, or an international reporter.

Of the ExperiencePlus! trips that you’ve led which is your favorite and why? It’s really hard to choose onesm_enrico but I enjoyed the Camino de Santiago and Andalucia tours in Spain. In Italy I love Sicily and Sardinia. The Mediterranean has always fascinated me since I was a child. One day I’d like to travel all around the Mediterranean sailing and on a bike, like a merchant during the ancient times. Greeks, Phoenicians, Romans, Arabs, Jews, Normans… the Mediterranean is a melting pot, the “Us” of the ancient times, a Babel of languages, food, habits, traditions!

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