ExperiencePlus! Blog

Cyclist’s Winter Survival Kit

Lots of our riders fear spring tours because they believe they won’t be in shape yet. Psssst – we’ve got good news: you don’t have to be in top shape to cycle in the spring. As long as you stay somewhat active during the winter you can do as many of us in the US office do – train on tour! Ok, we know – easier said than done.

Colorado winters are not always as accommodating as US staff would like, but we do our best to get on the bike when we can during the winter while also acknowledging that winter riding isn’t as inviting or accommodating as summer. Here are a few secrets we use to stay excited about cycling – or just staying active during the winter.

Stay motivated. Sign up for a bicycle tour so you have something to look forward to! Spring tours are the best motivators so you have a set deadline or goal to get you out of the house on a chilly day.

A short ride is better than no ride. As much as you might hate to concede to the fact that it’s winter, we all have to accept that rides will typically be shorter than in the summer because of temperatures or limited hours of daylight. But we promise you’ll be happier having gotten on the bike to enjoy that (brisk) wind on your face – even if it’s only to run a quick errand.

Dress smart. There’s an old Scandinavian philosophy that says there’s no such thing as bad weather, only bad clothes. If  you ride in the winter without the right gear we understand why you wouldn’t want to hope back on a bike until spring. Be sure to bundle up and wear layers! Include layers that vent, windbreakers, and don’t forget proper eye wear. Some U.S staffers have been known to ride to work in ski googles on occasion. (Take advantage of our partnership with PrimalWear. Simply enter the code ExpPlus2019 when making a purchase at primalwear.com and obtain a 25% discount.)

Outfit your bike too! Make sure you’ve got the gear to handle whatever winter throws your way. Be sure your bike is equipped with mudguards, lights, a bike pump, and repair kit so you don’t find yourself stalled out on a chilly ride without the right tools.

A little love goes a long way. Winter can be rough on your bike. To ensure you’ll have smooth rides clean and lube your drivetrain after every ride. Also, make sure your cables are well-sealed and uncontaminated so your brakes don’t  freeze up.

Keep Your Body Happy. Many health benefits are associated with cycling, but some days it’s just too cold or wet to get our for a ride. Take advantage of these days to do a personal tune-up and stretch and strengthen important cycling muscles. Or hit the gym and take a spin class. Take advantage of our custom bicycle tour training programs by Joe Friel and Fit for Trips.

Have fun. Above all remember, riding is fun! Make sure you pause and remember this is an activity you enjoy!