ExperiencePlus! Blog

Bicycling Belgium’s Best Breweries

Trappist beer on the ExperiencePlus! bicycle tour in Belgium.

ExperiencePlus! Bicycle Tours is teaming up for a VIP biking tour of Belgium with Jeff Lebesch, founder and former owner of New Belgium Brewing, also from Fort Collins, Colo. Lebesch will be the VIP guest and expert accompanying the 2011 August 23 to September 2 insider’s tour giving guests special entrée to brewery experiences often difficult to access by the general public. A shortened eight-day tour version is also offered August 23 to 30. “Anyone who loves to drink beer or who is captivated by the notion of making beer will be in hops heaven on our new Bicycling Belgium’s Best Breweries Tour,” said Maria Elena Price, ExperiencePlus! Bicycle Tours co-owner and manager.

The tour begins and ends in Brussels after cycling 30 to 55 miles a day, for a total of up to 173 miles over eight days and 277 miles over 11 days. World War I battle and historical sites, the UNESCO World Heritage sites of Brugge and Tournai, Trappist breweries and Lambic beer (famous for wild yeast fermentations producing a sour beer) are all included.

“I have been frequently asked to lead a bike and beer culture tour of Belgium similar to my pre-New Belgium inspirational trip, but the logistics of organizing such a tour are more than I wanted to tackle,” said Lebesch. “When I was approached by ExperiencePlus! I thought the combination of their excellence in tour management and my ideas on a fun and enlightening bike and beer tour was a perfect fit.” The tour has been scheduled to coincide with the annual Brussels Beer Festival, Sept 3 to 5.

As of July 2011, there are a few limited spots left on this trip – give us a call (800-685-4565) or send us an email if you’d like to join us – tours@experienceplus.com

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