The 8 and 11 day ExperiencePlus! Whole Journey’s Culinary Delights tours feature a visit to the lab at the Carpigiani Gelato Museum and University, a fabulous opportunity to study an important (and delicious!) piece of Italian culture. Opened in 2012 the Gelato Museum is dedicated “to the understanding and study of the history, culture, and technology of gelato and the expertise of the innovators who drove its evolution over the centuries”.
7 Steps to becoming a certified expert in gelato:
Step 1 : time in the classroom.
Step 2: trying the hand machine for sorbet, like old times.
Step 3: testing out the more modern, larger scale sorbet machine.
Step 4: quality control part 1 – probably the most important part of the process.
Step 5: perfecting the presentation style.
Step 6: final quality control sampling to note the quality of the texture, consistency, flavor.
Step 7: newly certified gelato experts!